Looking for an Agent for My Middle-Grade Novel
I am looking for an agent for my middle-grade novel, What Have You Got to Lose?
Jenni Batson, the narrator of What Have You Got to Lose?, is convinced that her grandmother will be making the biggest mistake of her life if she marries Mr. Doolin. While Mr. Doolin is certainly no hottie, the main thing that concerns Jenni about him is that his grandson, Jarrett Doolin, lives with him. Jenni and her twin brother, Werner, are fifth graders at Kennerly Elementary School in Kennerly, Arkansas, and Jarrett Doolin is the one boy in their class they absolutely despise. Jenni cannot understand why her grandmother, who is the dean of a college, is unable to see just how evil Jarrett Doolin is. In order to rescue her grandmother from having Jarrett as a permanent houseguest as well as from having to find out the hard way that he is not a very nice boy, Jenni hatches a plan to stop her grandmother’s wedding from ever taking place. During the course of the novel, Jenni learns how Jarrett came to be living with his grandfather in the first place, and that changes everything.
The primary theme of What Have You Got to Lose? is an understanding that the way a person behaves may not represent how that person actually feels. The novel also addresses children’s relationships with absentee parents, children’s attitudes toward school, and childhood obesity. What Have You Got to Lose? is complete at 35,555 words long.